By day I'm a research scientist at Microsoft Research specializing in machine learning, developing methods and solutions for advancing the state of art in healthcare for both patients and clinicians.
Welcome to the world of Sumit
research scientist, artist, musician, seattleite
By day I'm a research scientist at Microsoft Research specializing in machine learning, developing methods and solutions for advancing the state of art in healthcare for both patients and clinicians.
I'm an avid digital painter; this portfolio site contains a collection of some of my favorite pieces.
The story of a plucky little bear in search of himself.
Thoughts, ideas, and explorations.
I make a wide variety of videos, mostly instructional, on topics like fitness, cooking, healthcare, home improvement, beauty, science, and more. My channel currently has 2 million views and 2000 subscribers.
I've been dabbling in music most of my life. This is a video collection of my more recent work.
I love to cook, and love teaching others my techniques. Here are some of my favorite recipies and tips.
As a budding oenophile, I'm always trying out new wines. See my latest reviews and recommendations here.
Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage
--Anais Nin