“Oh!” The bear said. “I like that a lot better. You know, I've had a recurring dream where I find a room in my house I'd never seen before, completely empty, and I start thinking about all the things I could do with it! Sounds like I need to go get some furniture!” the bear smiled. #46

“Dearest bear, do not be quick to fill up the empty spaces with more emptiness,” Cooksie said gently. “Yes bear, you cannot fill a hole with a bigger hole. That kind of void can be its own prison.” Peanut continued, thoughtfully, “Take your time. Make it a space that you’ll want to live in.” #47

The bear scratched his chin. "But wait, am I not just the one who watches, watching that space?” he asked, getting a bit lost in all of the philosophical talk. “Why should it make any difference what I do with it?" #48