“No no no,” the tortoise said, laughing merrily. “I meant if you knew where this bus was going.” “Oh,” said the bear sheepishly, looking away, “it’s going to the beach, I think.” “Oh good,” the tortoise said, “No need to be blue - you’ve made my day, that’s exactly where I’m trying to go.” #19

“I wish I knew exactly where I’m trying to go,” The bear said wistfully. “Why don’t you come with me, bear?” The tortoise replied. “I’m just going to watch the sunset, and you sound like you could use a little company.” #20

“Oh!” the bear said, a little embarrassed, as he always was when faced with an invitation. “Well, that’s very kind of you, but, er, I should probably, er, go home and…” he stumbled, but suddenly he looked up with resolve. “Actually, why not? I’m on a journey after all!” #21