The bear and the tortoise got off the bus and started walking up the hill towards the beach. The bear huffed and puffed as he followed his new friend. “Whew!” He said. “I didn’t know tortoises could climb that fast!” The tortoise laughed. “And I didn’t know bears were so susceptible to tired stereotypes!” #22

As they made their way, the tortoise asked the bear, “so what is troubling you, bear?” “Well, that’s just it,” The bear replied. “I mean it’s no one thing, but it’s also so many things, and sometimes I feel all empty, and other times I’m overwhelmed.” #23

“I mean, I don’t know if I’ll ever meet the right bear, or find the right place to live, or…” the bear continued. “Those are indeed hard questions, bear,” the tortoise replied. “But for now try to be in the moment and look at this beautiful sunset. Look at those amazing colors. You can always go back to your worries, but there will never be a sunset quite like this one.” #24